Normally your back income taxes cannot be wiped out by filing bankruptcy. However, if you take the time to learn the rules then you can use bankruptcy to resolve not only income tax, but usually, all of the IRS penalties and interest that have been assessed as well.
Not everyone qualifies to wipe out their income tax debt in bankruptcy. Certain rules have to be met first. If you file bankruptcy and don't meet the rules, the IRS will still be in hot pursuit after your bankruptcy is over. Proper pre-bankruptcy planning is key to determining if bankruptcy is or can be a viable solution.
Residents of Westminster, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Orange, Anaheim, Seal Beach, Cypress & Long Beach will have a hard time finding bankruptcy attorney that understands the rules on how to discharge back income tax debts in a bankruptcy; you will need to consult with an income tax expert.